
All Pueblo Grows happily accepts home garden or commercially grown heirloom/open pollinated seed donations. Donating or returning seed to the library is a straightforward process.

If you donate home grown seed, please be sure it’s from plants that you understand how to save correctly. Easy to save species include tomato, beans, peas, lettuce, and many herbs. If you plan to return home grown squash, melon, carrot, onion, or any brassica (broccoli, cabbage, kale and brussels sprouts), please be sure you have saved them properly and note this on the envelope.

Please include as much information as you can about home garden seeds such as:

·         Species and variety

·         Location and year grown

·         Any details on production- how did the plant produce? Early fruits or late? Did the plant seem to resist pest or was it constantly under siege?

·         Any details about possible cross-pollination- were there similar species growing nearby, did you cover your plants in a seed cage or do any hand pollination?

·         Your contact information in the event questions are submitted about your seed.

The more information you can share, the more useful the donation will be.

If you’re donating commercially grown seeds in their original package, you can just leave them in the labelled donations drawer.

Please clean and dry your seed prior to donation. This means removing leaf material, stems, dried pulp, or other non-seed vegetative material. Excess or damp material can potentially harbor pests and would be much more problematic to store in the card catalog.

All donations can be left in the drop box at the seed catalogs at the Rawlings, Giodone, Pueblo West, Lucero, Lamb, or Greenhorn Valley libraries. You can also drop them off at the CSU-Extension office at 701 Court Street, Pueblo, CO 81003. If you would like to contact us, our number is (719) 583-6566.